Tips to Health, Safety, and Cost-Saving in Rome -

Priority on Wellness: Balancing Costs for Health and Safety in Rome

Maintaining a healthy and safe lifestyle in Rome comes with certain expenses, but prioritizing well-being ensures peace of mind in this captivating city.

Cost of living in Rome – Health and Safety in Rome

Rome is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and attracts millions of visitors every year. If you’re planning a trip to Rome, you might be wondering how to get there. In this article, we’ll discuss how to reach Rome from different parts of the world by flight, road and sea.

A Few Tips Cost-Saving Hacks on Health and Safety in Rome

  • Book a tour: Booking a tour for popular sites like the Colosseum and Vatican City will let you cut the line, which can often take over an hour (longer if you visit in summer) 1.
  • Use public transport: Public transport is an affordable way to get around Rome 1.
  • Visit in spring or fall: The best time to visit Rome is in spring or fall when the weather is mild and the crowds are smaller 1.
  • Beware of pickpockets: Pickpocketing is the most frequent crime perpetrated against tourists in Rome, so be cautious about petty crimes 3.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: Rome is a walking city, so wear comfortable shoes to avoid blisters and sore feet 1.

Few Cost-Saving Facts on Health and Safety in Rome

  • Stay inconspicuous: Trying to stay inconspicuous as a tourist in Rome is impossible. You’ll give yourself away with your mannerisms alone. No need to draw more attention by getting caught making classic tourist mistakes.
  • Be cautious on public transport: During Rome’s rush hour, buses and trains tend to be very crowded, and many victims do not realize they have been pickpocketed until later 2.
  • Stay safe at night: Rome is generally safe at night, but it’s always best to take precautions. Avoid walking alone in dark or deserted areas.
  • Be aware of scams: Scams are common in Rome, so be cautious about people who approach you on the street or offer you deals that seem too good to be true 3.
  • Carry cash: Cash is king in Rome, so make sure you carry enough cash with you each day to pay for incidentals like takeaway pizza or gelato.

How to access health care services in Rome?

Rome has a public healthcare system that provides free or subsidized healthcare services to all citizens and residents who have health insurance cards (tessera sanitaria). The health insurance card is issued by the local health authority (ASL) and is valid for one year. It allows you to access various healthcare services, such as:

health care services in Rome
  • Family doctor: This is a general practitioner who provides primary care and prevention services, such as check-ups, prescriptions, referrals, etc. You can choose your family doctor from a list of doctors registered with the ASL and book an appointment by phone or online. You can also change your family doctor once a year.
  • Specialist doctor: This is a doctor who provides specialized care and treatment services, such as cardiology, dermatology, neurology, etc. You can access a specialist doctor with a referral from your family doctor or directly with a private payment. You can book an appointment by phone or online and pay a co-payment fee (ticket) based on your income and condition.
  • Hospital: This is a facility that provides emergency and inpatient services, such as surgery, intensive care, rehabilitation, etc. You can access a hospital with a referral from your family doctor or specialist doctor or directly in case of emergency. You can choose your hospital from a list of public or private hospitals accredited by the ASL and pay a co-payment fee (ticket) based on your income and condition.

Private health care system

Rome also has a private health care system that provides health care services to all citizens and residents who have a private health insurance plan or who can afford to pay out of pocket. The private health care system offers more choice, convenience, and quality than the public health care system, but it also costs more. You can access various healthcare services, such as:

stethoscope - Private health care system
  • Private doctor: This is a general practitioner or a specialist doctor who provides primary or specialized care and treatment services in their own office or clinic. You can choose your private doctor from a list of doctors registered with your private health insurance plan or directly with a private payment. You can book an appointment by phone or online and pay the full fee or the co-payment fee depending on your plan.
  • Private hospital: This is a facility that provides emergency and inpatient services on its own premises or in partnership with public hospitals. You can choose your private hospital from a list of hospitals registered with your private health insurance plan or directly with a private payment. You can book an appointment by phone or online and pay the full fee or the co-payment fee depending on your plan.

How to stay safe in Rome?

Rome is generally a safe city, but like any big city, it has some areas that are more prone to crime or scams than others. You can stay safe in Rome by following some tips, such as:

  • Avoiding shady areas: These are areas that are known for pickpocketing, drug dealing, prostitution, or violence, such as Termini station, Esquilino, San Basilio, Tor Bella Monaca, Torre Angela, etc. You should avoid walking alone or at night in these areas and keep your valuables close and hidden.
  • Avoiding tourist traps: These are places that are known for overcharging, cheating, or harassing tourists, such as souvenir shops, street vendors, taxi drivers, restaurants, etc. You should avoid buying or accepting anything from these places and check the prices and reviews before using their services.
  • Avoiding scams: These are schemes that are designed to trick you into giving money or personal information to strangers, such as fake beggars, fake police officers, fake tickets, fake petitions, etc. You should avoid talking or giving anything to these people and report them to the authorities if possible.
  • Being alert: This means being aware of your surroundings and trusting your instincts. You should pay attention to any signs of danger or trouble, such as suspicious people, noises, or movements. You should also have an emergency plan and contact in case of need.
  • Being respectful: This means being polite and courteous to the locals and following their rules and customs. You should respect their culture, religion, and laws. You should also avoid any actions or words that may offend or provoke them.

FAQ – Cost of Health and Safety in Rome

Is Rome a safe city for tourists?

Yes, Rome is generally a safe city for tourists. However, you should be aware of pickpockets and keep an eye on your belongings.

What is the emergency number in Rome?

The emergency number in Rome is 112.

Is it safe to drink tap water in Rome?

Yes, it is safe to drink tap water in Rome. However, some people prefer to drink bottled water.

How much does a doctor’s visit cost in Rome?

The cost of a doctor’s visit in Rome varies depending on the type of doctor and the services provided. However, you can expect to pay around €50-€100 for a general practitioner.

How much does it cost to go to the hospital in Rome?

The cost of going to the hospital in Rome varies depending on the type of treatment and the length of stay. However, you can expect to pay around €100-€200 per day for a hospital stay.

Is travel insurance recommended for visiting Rome?

Yes, travel insurance is recommended for visiting Rome. It can help cover the cost of medical treatment or emergency evacuation if needed.

What vaccinations are recommended for travelling to Rome?

There are no specific vaccinations required for travelling to Rome. However, it is recommended that you are up-to-date on routine vaccinations such as measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, varicella (chickenpox), polio, and your yearly flu shot.

What should I do if I get sick while visiting Rome?

If you get sick while visiting Rome, you should seek medical attention from a doctor or hospital. You should also contact your travel insurance provider if you have travel insurance.

Is it safe to walk around Rome at night?

Yes, it is generally safe to walk around Rome at night. However, you should be aware of your surroundings and avoid poorly lit areas.

Are there any safety concerns when using public transportation in Rome?

Yes, there are some safety concerns when using public transportation in Rome. You should be aware of pickpockets and keep an eye on your belongings.

What should I do if I am the victim of a crime in Rome?

If you are the victim of a crime in Rome, you should contact the police immediately by calling 112.

What is the crime rate like in Rome?

The crime rate in Rome is generally low. However, pickpocketing and theft are common crimes that tourists should be aware of.

Is it safe to drive in Rome?

Driving in Rome can be difficult due to traffic congestion and limited parking. However, it is generally safe as long as you follow traffic laws and drive defensively.

Are there any health risks associated with visiting Rome?

There are no major health risks associated with visiting Rome. However, you should be aware of air pollution during certain times of the year.


Rome is a city that offers a lot of opportunities and challenges for living and working. It has a rich and diverse culture and history that attracts and inspires many people. It also has a vibrant and dynamic economy and society that creates and demands many skills and talents. However, it also has some drawbacks and difficulties that may affect your quality of life and well-being. You need to consider the pros and cons of living and working in Rome before making your decision. Also, you need to prepare yourself for the practical and emotional aspects of moving and settling in Rome. Use this guide as a reference and a resource to help you with your planning and your adaptation. We hope you find this guide useful and informative. We wish you all the best in your journey to Rome. Arrivederci!